
5 Ways To Forget Your Chronic Pain And Enjoy Summer

Aug 06, 2020

You have places to go, people to see, and things to enjoy this summer. If only you didn’t have to deal with your chronic pain. But there it is again, that debilitating pain and stiffness which depletes your energy and can stop you in your tracks.

5 Ways To Forget Your Chronic Pain And Enjoy Summer

Posted on August 6, 2020 by Palm Beach Pain Institute in Chronic Pain, Pain Management

You have places to go, people to see, and things to enjoy this summer. If only you didn’t have to deal with your chronic pain. But there it is again, that debilitating pain and stiffness which depletes your energy and can stop you in your tracks. Don’t let summer pass you by. Here are 5 ways to forget your chronic pain and enjoy summer.

Look To The Water

Water can relieve your pain so take advantage of every opportunity. Lakes and pools are everywhere so plan frequent day trips and outings. Don’t turn down pool party invites. You can look good and feel great just standing in the pool with a big hat and an adult beverage.

It’s possible to do some light stretching under the water, and no one needs to be the wiser.

Even better is to become involved in aquatic therapy. Even if you’re not a swimmer, your body can float on the surface of the water taking pressure off your spine, hips, knees, and other joints.


Don’t wait to find out that all of the chairs where you’re heading are a nightmare for your lower back. So BYOC, or bring your own chair. Bring along a portable seat you know is comfortable and will support your back and neck.

Eat Healthy

There is no better time than summer to increase your vitamin and mineral intake. You can find fresh fruits and vegetables practically right off the vine. Indulge in red cherries with their inflammation fighting properties to help reduce arthritis pain. Treat yourself to a gelato with calcium. Why not?

Check The Air

You can always find the air quality index each day, so check it before you plan to be outside on a given day this summer. Unhealthy air quality can exacerbate chronic pain.

Avoid The Most Extreme Heat

When it’s exceptionally hot, only venture outside during the morning hours. Wear breathable cottons, a brimmed hat to protect your head, sit under an umbrella if possible, and of course wear sunglasses.

Even the backyard can be comfortable with ice packs and a mister nearby. Drink lots of water and eat fresh cold fruits while enjoying a good summer book.

Take advantage of all summer has to offer, but reduce your chronic pain.

If your chronic pain is flaring up this summer, call (561) 499-7020 to schedule an appointment with Palm Beach Pain Institute.